Entrance Passes:
This entrance fee with allow you to enter the park but does not include camping. Entrance passes are per person and are not to exceed the number of seatbelts in the car used to enter the park. (i.e. a car with 5 seatbelts can not allow 6 people to enter.)
Monday - Tuesday: $10
Sunday - Tuesday: $15
Saturday - Tuesday:: $20
Friday - Tuesday: (Includes Firework Show): $ 25
Friday Only Firework show: $5 per person
Friday Only Firework Family Pass (Up to 6 members, not to exceed number of seatbelts in the car): $20
(Children 2 years and under are allowed in for free)
Camping Passes: (Entrance not included)
If you would like to stay at the park overnight, you will need to purchase an entrance pass and the appropriate camping package.
Tents: Entrance + $20
Bumper Pull Campers: Entrance + $30
RV/5th Wheel: Entrance + $50